Red Kite

Milvus milvus

Red kites are easily identified by their large size (wingspan of almost 2m), reddish-brown colourings and deeply forked tail.

A successful re-introduction programme has resulted in the birds becoming increasingly common in the Black Isle (near Inverness) and the Trossachs.

Kites feed on predominantly on carrion, although will also take small mammals and worms. They are often seen hovering near roadsides looking for road kill.

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Discover more about the Red Kite

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When to see

Red Kites can be seen all year round. Although during the breeding season, they can be spotted in broadleaf woodland.

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Where to see

They have become a more common site in the North of Scotland, in particular, the Black Isle. They can be seen over farmlands and woodlands.

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Did you know?

They often use colourful, shiny objects in their nests. The call of the Red Kite has a distinctive “mewing” sound. Reintroduction programmes have been key to increasing the numbers of red kites in Scotland. Programmes in Perthshire and Dumfries and Galloway have been particularly successful.

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Related species

Common Buzzard

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When to see

Red Kites can be seen all year round. Although during the breeding season, they can be spotted in broadleaf woodland.

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Where to see

They have become a more common site in the North of Scotland, in particular, the Black Isle. They can be seen over farmlands and woodlands.

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Did you know?

They often use colourful, shiny objects in their nests. The call of the Red Kite has a distinctive “mewing” sound. Reintroduction programmes have been key to increasing the numbers of red kites in Scotland. Programmes in Perthshire and Dumfries and Galloway have been particularly successful.

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Related species

Common Buzzard

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When to see

Red Kites can be seen all year round. Although during the breeding season, they can be spotted in broadleaf woodland.

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Where to see

They have become a more common site in the North of Scotland, in particular, the Black Isle. They can be seen over farmlands and woodlands.

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Did you know?

They often use colourful, shiny objects in their nests. The call of the Red Kite has a distinctive “mewing” sound. Reintroduction programmes have been key to increasing the numbers of red kites in Scotland. Programmes in Perthshire and Dumfries and Galloway have been particularly successful.

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Related species

Common Buzzard