Arctic Tern

Sterna paradisaea

With its long tail streamers and general shape the Arctic tern deserves the local name of ‘sea swallow’.

Appearing white with a black cap, it is largely coastal although it can be seen inland on migration. It depends on a healthy marine environment and some colonies have been affected by fish shortages. Arctic terns are the ultimate long distance migrants – summer visitors to the UK and winter visitors to the Antarctic.

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Discover more about the Arctic Tern

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When to see

A summer visitor, nesting on islands around the north of England and Scotland. Can be seen around most of our coasts and on large lakes and reservoirs during migration.

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Where to see

Shetland, Orkney and coasts around Scotland.

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Did you know?

Arctic terns are noisy in their colonies and, like most terns, will attack intruders threatening their nests, often ‘dive-bombing’ them with their sharp bills at the ready. Famed for their long migrations, they return to this country in April to breed and leave again in September.

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Related species

Arctic Skua Manx Shearwater

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When to see

A summer visitor, nesting on islands around the north of England and Scotland. Can be seen around most of our coasts and on large lakes and reservoirs during migration.

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Where to see

Shetland, Orkney and coasts around Scotland.

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Did you know?

Arctic terns are noisy in their colonies and, like most terns, will attack intruders threatening their nests, often ‘dive-bombing’ them with their sharp bills at the ready. Famed for their long migrations, they return to this country in April to breed and leave again in September.

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Related species

Arctic Skua Manx Shearwater

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When to see

A summer visitor, nesting on islands around the north of England and Scotland. Can be seen around most of our coasts and on large lakes and reservoirs during migration.

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Where to see

Shetland, Orkney and coasts around Scotland.

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Did you know?

Arctic terns are noisy in their colonies and, like most terns, will attack intruders threatening their nests, often ‘dive-bombing’ them with their sharp bills at the ready. Famed for their long migrations, they return to this country in April to breed and leave again in September.

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Related species

Arctic Skua Manx Shearwater